Local School Visits
YOUR DENTAL CARE TEAM is passionate about teaching children from a young age the advantages of looking after their gums and teeth.
Members of YOUR DENTAL CARE TEAM have been visiting your local preschools and child care centres to chat to the children about how to look after their teeth and how good oral health can effect their general health and well being. We also talk about choosing healthier foods so that the children can eat well, stay well and be well. After the presentation, children receive a small oral health bag to help them on their journey to having beautiful healthy smiles.
Some local preschools and child care centres we have visited recently include Little Zac's Academy, Victoria Avenue Children's Centre, Fiona Child Care Centre North Strathfield and Only About Children Concord.
If you would like to book a time for us to visit your school, or to find out more about our program, please give us a call on 8756 5740 or email us at contact@yourdentalcareteam.com.au.
We are also open to providing assistance to local schools fundraising and raffles.